0341-552180 fmipa@um.ac.id

COMMUNITY SERVICE: A team of lecturers and students from Biotechnology Study Program, FMIPA UM trains Family Welfare Empowerment women in Benjor Village, how to make kombufee drinks.
After completing their service in Blitar Regency, the Community Service team of Universitas Negeri Malang moved to Malang Regency. This time, lecturers and students from the Biotechnology Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences held training on making kombufee from coffee beans in Benjor Village, Malang Regency. This activity was held at the Benjor Village Hall, last Saturday (15/6) with participants from the Benjor Village Family Welfare Empowerment women. This activity supports SDGs 3, 7, 8, and 15.
Mrs. Yuyun, as the head of the Benjor Village Family Welfare Empowerment, said that Benjor Village is a village that produces coffee beans and sugar cane with the livelihood of its residents as farmers, so training in making kombufee made from coffee beans is very suitable. Especially to provide skills for its citizens. “Until now, the use of coffee beans in Benjor Village is still limited, on average they are only sold in the form of coffee beans and have never been used as a kombufee drink,” she said. For this reason, the Community Service team led by Ratna Juwita Ph.D innovated by making kombufee into a probiotic drink that can be enjoyed anytime and anywhere.
The training on making kombufee from coffee beans also provided new ideas for Family Welfare Empowerment women in entrepreneurship. They were also very enthusiastic about participating in the training activities. This can be seen from the various questions asked by the training participants. Each participant who attended was given a short tutorial on how to make kombufee.
Ratna hopes that after the training ends, Family Welfare Empowerment women can practice kombufee themselves at home and hope that one day it can become a product of the Micro Small and Medium Enterprises in Benjor Village. “We also provide our products which we have produced ourselves on a small scale to training participants,” she said.


