0341-552180 fmipa@um.ac.id

The Community Service Team from Universitas Negeri Malang (UM), represented by the Biotechnology Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, has gone beyond borders by conducting training abroad. This time, the training focused on making fruit tea from local Indonesian fruits as a ready-to-drink beverage at the Indonesian Economic and Trade Office (KDEI) in Taipei, Taiwan.

The event took place directly at KDEI Taipei last Sunday (21/7) and was attended by KDEI representatives Novrizal from the field of protection of Indonesian citizens and cultural-social information, as well as Muhammad Reza Dharmawan from KDEI administration and Indonesian Migrant Workers (TKI) who are part of the Community Learning Activity Center (PKBM) of the Indonesian Student Association (PPI) Taiwan.

The event began with a welcome speech by the principal of PKBM PPI Taiwan, Ir. Ananda Insan Firdausy, ST., MT., M.Sc. Ananda stated that PKBM PPI Taiwan is an institution engaged in non-formal education through package programs, allowing migrant workers to continue their education in Taiwan. “This training aligns with the programs at PKBM PPI Taiwan related to community empowerment, which involves providing training for PKBM PPI Taiwan students, consisting of migrant workers,” he explained. This activity supports SDGs 3, 7, 8, and 15.

Fruit tea training using local Indonesian fruits was chosen because of the abundance and variety of fruits available. However, their use has been limited to fresh consumption and some are dried for chips. During the harvest season, the quantity is abundant and the price is low. Therefore, the Community Service Team from Universitas Negeri Malang, led by Ratna Juwita, Ph.D., innovated by turning them into fruit tea, a ready-to-drink beverage rich in nutrients and vitamins, especially vitamins A and C. “We hope that this fruit tea-making training will provide new ideas for migrant workers in entrepreneurship,” she said.

