0341-552180 fmipa@um.ac.id


Subandi, Drs., M.Si., Dr., H., Prof.
Guru Besar, IV/b
NIP 195011051986011001
Sandi 3327
Drs. Pendidikan Kimia, IKIP MALANG (1984)
M.Si. Kimia, ITB Bandung (1993)
Dr. Kimia ITB Bandung (2002)
Jl. Perum Puri Cempaka Putih CC-15
Alamat Jl. Panjaitan 40, Probolinggo
e-mail: subandi.fmipa@um.ac.id, Sbd_um@yahoo.co.id
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1 Exploration of Endemic Biologycal Resources by Biochemical Study: A Case Study at State University of Malang 2015
2 Pancreatic Lipase Inhibitor Activity of Carica papaya L seeds powder and the Potency as anti Obessity “Coffee” Drinks 2015
3 Pancreatic Lipase Inhibitor Activity of Pepino (Solanum muricatum) and Purple Eggplant Salad (Solanum melongena) Mesocarp juices and The Potecy as Anti Obessity Drinks 2015

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