International Conference SULE-IC 2014 a.n Drs. Slamet

Department of Mathematics FMIPA UM Malang
Students S3 Mathematics Education Doctoral Program UM

Critical thinking is a way for someone to improve the quality of the ideas using techniques systematization way of thinking and intellectual thinking in generating ideas initiated. The level of critical thinking abilities of each person is different and the differences in learning mathematics can be seen as a level that starts from the lowest level to the highest level. But in reality, research related to stage of critical thinking for assessment in mathematics instruction are valid and reliable, has not been developed by mathematics education experts. Thus, this research seeks to formulate stage of critical thinking abilities in solving mathematical problems. Stages of development of critical thinking start from the lowest are: unreflective thinking, challenged thinking, beginning thinking, practicing thinking, advanced thinking and master thinking. Critical thinking which will be observed and studied are the elements of reasoning: purpose, questions, asumptions, point of view, information, concepts and ideas,interpretations and implications by using a standard of intellectual reasoning which include: clarity, accuracy, precision, relevance, consistency, significance, logicalness, depth, breadth and fairness. This stage, that related with critical thinking abilities, describes thinking strategies generally, not only in mathematics. The developed level provide evidence of the degree of hierarchical (sequential) in critical thinking. This research is a qualitative research aimed to formulate stage of critical thinking abilitiess in solving mathematical problems are valid and reliable, find and identify the characteristics of students’ critical thinking stage for each of these levels. The research’s subjects were prospective teachers of Mathematics Department, State University of Malang, using the snowball method. Steps of research stage of critical thinking abilitiess, the steps as follows: formulate initial theory about the level of critical thinking abilities based on the study of theory supported by empirical data, draft Validating theories about the level of critical thinking abilities in an expert to determine the validity and construct a theory developed, doing pre-research to prove the existence of the level of critical thinking abilities, revise draft theory about the level of critical thinking abilities, Perform data collection to determine the existence of the level of critical thinking abilities, Perform data analysis. Researchers initially formulating the criteria of critical thinking abilities are theoretically that consists of 5 levels starting from the lowest levels: level 0 (not critical), level 1 (less critical), level 2 (critical enough), level 3 (critical) and level 4 (very critical). For the lowest level, which is unreflective thinking (thinking that is not reflected) can be compared with the level 0 (not critical), challenged thinking (thinking that challenged) can be compared with the level 1 (less critical), beginning thinking (thinking starters) can be compared with level 2 (critical enough), practicing thinking (thinking exercises) and advanced thinking can be compared with the level 3 (critical), as well as a master’s thinking can be compared with the level 4 (very critical).

Key words: stage of critical thinking, critical thinking criteria, elements of reasoning, intellectual standards of reasoning, and mathematical problem solving.



“Building Bridges Through Science, Technology, and Innovation for Sudtainability”

Asean Dean

Peserta ASEAN Dean of Science Forum di Thailand

Dekan FMIPA UM pada tanggal 30 November s.d 1 Desember 2016 menghadiri the 42th Congress on Science and Technology of Thailand (STT 42) dan ASEAN Dean of Science Forum: “Building Bridges Through Science, Technology, and Innovation for Sustainability” yang diselenggarakan oleh Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University Thailand. Kegiatan the 42th Congress on Science and technology of Thailand (STT 42) dilaksanakan pada tanggal 30 November 2016, dimana Dekan FMIPA UM diundang untuk menghadiri grand opening dan kegiatan pararel kongres tersebut dengan tema Science of innovation for a sustainable future: “Knowledgw of the Land towards Innovation for sustainable by scientist”. Kegiatan inti dari hadirnya Dekan FMIPA ke Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University Thailand adalah untuk menghadiri ASEAN Dean of Science Forum yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 1 Desember 2016. Peserta ASEAN Dean of Science Forum sebagaian besar dihadiri oleh dekan Sains dan Teknologi dari berbagai Universitas di Thailand, dan dari Indonesia ada lima dekan yaitu Dekan FMIPA UM, Dekan FMIPA IPB, Dekan FMIPA UB, Dekan FMIPA ITS, dan Dekan FMIPA UNSRI, dan satu dari UKM. Pada ASEAN Dean of Science Forum ini para dekan dekan berkesempatan menyampaikan profil institusi dari masing-masing Pergutruan Tinggi, selain itu perusahaan Shimadzu Jepang memberi sharing kerjasama dengan beberapa universitas dalam mengadopsi hasil riset para inovator.

Dean Kasetsart


Dekan FMIPA Universitas Negeri Malang bersama Dekan Faculty of Science Kasetsart University Thailand

Dari pertemuan ASEAN Dean of Science Forum diperoleh beberapa hasil diskusi sebagai berikut. (1) ASEAN Dean of Science Forum akan direncanakan dibuat reguler tahunan dengan mengundang lebih banyak peserta dari negara-negara ASEAN. Secara khusus tahun depan, akan dilakukan di Chulalogkornn University. Selain diadakan di Thailand, pertemuan serupa juga dilakukan di Indonesia atau di beberapa negara ASEAN lainnya. (2) Untuk meningkatkan semangat para peneliti muda dalam menghasilkan inovasi sekaligus menyiapkan generasi yg berpotensi menjadi pemenang nobel di masa depan,   Shimadzu menjanjikan akan melaunching Young Research Science Award, sebuah penghargaan bagi peneliti muda terbaik di ASEAN. (3) Untuk menumbuhkan jiwa enterpreunership/wirausaha di kalangan mahasiswa, akan dilakukan kegiatan workshop atau training terkait entrepreneurship. (4) Dekan Institute of Science dari Suranaree University of Technology memberi kesempatan untuk menggunakan alat penelitian di Institute of Science dari Suranaree University of Technology. (5) Beberapa dekan dari universitas di Thailand menyatakan tertarik dan berminat untuk bekerjasama dengan perguruan tinggi di Indonesia melalui kegiatan Melalui joint program, student and staff exchange, credit transfer hingga ke double degree program.

PANDUAN E-Voting Universitas Negeri Malang Tahun 2016

PANDUAN E-Voting Universitas Negeri Malang Tahun 2016

Panduan Teknis ini merupakan panduan dasar dalam pelaksanaan E-Voting Universitas Negeri Malang Tahun 2016. Dokumen ini terdapat beberapa ketentuan yang digunakan sebagai acuan teknis pelaksanaan Pemilu Raya UM. Dengan adanya panduan ini, diharapkan masing-masing Komisi Pemilihan Fakultas (KPF) dapat mematuhi aturan yang ditetapkan dan pelaksanaan Pemilu Raya UM dapat berjalan lancar. untuk para pemilih dapat melihat panduan E-Voting UM Tahun 2016.


